We had a very enjoyable few days over the third weekend in August, as usual packing in as much as possible …To Swindon on the Thursday, stopping at the Travelodge. Visited the Beehive for old times sake – dead! Well, we did at least bump into someone we’ve not seen for years, but it was very quiet in there (and awfully expensive!) Went shopping in town on the Friday and managed to get everything we wanted, including 2 pillows and a doublesheet!!Party Friday night – Lynda’s
50th. Had a good natter with Ged, Sean & Mickey, and a few words with Lynda but she was busy circulating. Even had a dance – our ‘usual’ Dance the Night Away by the Mavericks (did they do anything else?!) Didn’t stay too late as had an early start.Saturday up at 7 – yes, you read it right, Lesley up that early and I must admit I find it hard to believe myself! But needed
to get to Leicester by 10.45, and actually made it in time for a quick coffee before setting off for the venue, to enjoy one of the loveliest weddings I have ever been to. The day finished with a ceilidh, and Jeff persuaded me to dance more than once. On the final one he managed to trip me up (not difficult as this was copious amounts of wine and lager later!) Still got the bruises to prove it!Leisurely Sunday and the usual wonderful breakfast-cum-lunch with Rich & Ros. Pleasant drive to a T
ravelodge half way between Leominster & Ludlow, with a short stop at the churhc in Tenbury Wells where Mum & Dad were married. It promised a pub opposite, unfortunately yet another casualty in the long line of pub closures, so it was the Little Chef instead but with a very passable bottle of red wine so not all bad. Monday, home via Ludlow for a coffee stop & a walk round, and a short stop off at the church in then a quick visit to Cherry in Gloucester, long enough for Jeff to set up her ‘new’ PC and printer. And finally home, phew!Les