“17th April
In case you didn’t receive my e-mail, I am standing for Swansea council at the coming Local Elections on May 3rd. Whilst not wishing to count my chickens etc the ward is supposedly a safe seat. In the next couple of weeks I will be doing a lot of walking the streets, knocking on doors, preparing leaflets etc but if I’m ‘lucky’ the real work will begin after the elections.
So it might be a while before you get the next personal blog off me, but if you are worried about getting withdrawal symptoms (!!) I will be posting to my political blog at http://www.lesleywaltonpolitics.blogspot.co.uk/ from time to time,

But to finish this one, another cat anecdote …
When Jeff & I came back from Mid Wales on Saturday they were nowhere to be found. Looked all over the house but to no avail. Went out into the garden – ditto. So finished unpacking the car and putting things away, then we both went out the back door again. Although I thought it a long shot as still not sure they were used to them, I called out their names ‘Gaby’, ‘Moni’, Richie’. And one by one they appeared from nowhere in that order! And my happiness was made complete later that evening when Monica came up as usual to snuggle round my neck. Sometimes it’s actually good to come home.”
Since I wrote the above I've been elected so have set up another blog ("oh no, not another one!"). On the off chance you might be interested in what I do as a councillor go to http://www.lesleywaltoncouncillor.blogspot.co.uk/ as I thought I'd write a piece each week (but don't count on it!)
Les X
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